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Type of transactions

We are flexible and adapt to the specific of each company, always seeking to find the best possible arrangement for all parties involved.

  • Growth or Expansion capital: we invest through capital increased aimed at funding plans to accelerate growth or to come into new markets.
  • Star-up: Investment in early stages of development, helping companies with strong growth potential, and rapid increase in value. The investment is used for financing the start-up of production and distribution.
  • Seed capital: This is an investment in which a technological risk is present. The contribution of resources takes place before the large-scale production and distribution of the product or service. The levels of investment required are usually small.
  • Development Capital
  • Capital increase and financial support to management teams
  • Shareholder changes as consequence of generational changes and development of family businesses.
  • In companies which are seeking to acquire other companies to complete their vertical integration with a view to improving profitability.
Legal Notice

C/ Miguel Villanueva 6, 2 D. 26006 Logroño (La Rioja). T.941 273 950